Assurance and Risk Advisory

Strengthen Your Assurance and Minimize Risk.

Discover how we can enhance your assurance processes and mitigate risks effectively. Explore our tailored approaches to safeguarding your business and ensuring compliance.

Unlocking Assurance and Mitigating Risk: Our Expert Advisory Solutions

Our assurance services include Statutory audits, Tax audits, Special audits and Investigations. Our Audit Methodology is based on the Auditing Standards issued by the ICAI which are converged with the International Auditing Standards. As part of such audit assignments, we assess the adequacy of internal controls and our audit findings also reflect suggestions for the improvement of such controls. We also assist in the conversion of accounts by IFRS/ Ind-AS.

Special audits and investigations

The objective such an audit is to critically review the operations at various levels of management to ensure flawless processes and effective control.

Risk Advisory Services

We assist clients in enhancing risk management; improving performance and operating efficiency while providing the foundation to achieve better business performance. We work to build internal audits into a strategic and productive tool in today’s corporate governance environment.

Opinions on accounting and auditing matters

This consists of opinions on accounting and auditing matters in respect of the applicability and interpretation of accounting standards issued by ICAI/ notified by the Central Government and about auditing standards and requirements of corporate laws in connection with the statutory audit.

Conversion of financial statements to IFRS/ Ind-AS

Conversion of financial statements prepared under Indian GAAP to IFRS to report overseas to the parent company and/ or foreign investors. Conversion of financial statements prepared under Indian GAAP to Ind-AS.

Category: Assurance & Risk Advisory
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